UK Awarding Body | Qualifications Validator | AI Authority

Digital Validation & Qualification Checks

Check all Qualifications & Certificates Securely...

Professional certificates and qualifications statuses are hosted on our secure servers, located in Europe, and are 100% GDPR compliant. All Badges can be validated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our verification service validates learners' qualifications with participating educational institutions and is also used to verify 'registered Edutech' organizations and businesses that meet the UKVLI standards and training procedures. 

NOTE: Please ensure that you enter the long alphanumeric certificate ID below for the person or organization that you're enquiring about in our validator.


Our Safe and Secure Certificate and Qualifications Validator Service is perfect for employers, educators, and other stakeholders to confirm the authenticity of any awarded credentials quickly and easily. 

  • Free for employers to verify
  • Free for organizations to verify
  • Data Protection Regulation (DSVGO)
  • Secure metadata issuer
  • Instantly shareable across social media and via email
  • and much more….

Secure Authentication

This information is verified by 'UK Virtual Learning Institute' 

A verified certificate carries the authentic information of the recipient.
All certificates issued with UKVLI technology can be verified on any day and at any time.
You can find more information about verifiable certificates from their issuing organizations.

Awarding For The Future

[Next-Gen] Qualifications

Earn your Qualified Virtual Learning Award (QVLA) with The UK's Leading Provider of Recognized Accreditation and Certification for next-generation industry sectors.